Blue Door is a special clinic that provides short-term health services and support for HIV positive people without access to OHIP or Interim Federal Health benefits coverage (IFH). Our goal is to assess clients, initiate or stabilize their HIV treatment, connect them to resources and link them to long term health service providers.
Blue Door Clinic provides health care to people living with HIV in the Greater Toronto area who are not insured/under-insured. This includes (but is not limited to) temporary immigration status such as: migrant workers and those awaiting renewed contracts or work visas, newcomers awaiting inland processing and review of their immigration and refugee applications, individuals with active visitors visas who are not eligible for care through a community health centre, Canadian-born individuals who do not have adequate identification due a variety of adverse life circumstances, international students whose mandatory health insurance does not cover the full range of HIV care.
Services are free and confidential and include: HIV primary care/health assessments provided by a doctor/nurse practitioner, treatment for HIV and other health conditions, laboratory testing, immunizations, connection to medication access programs, referral to specialists, referral to community supports (e.g. housing, legal, settlement etc.), referral to ongoing health care when eligible
Referring a Client to Blue Door
If you wish to refer a client to Blue Door Clinic please download and fill out the Blue Door Clinic Referral Form and fax to 416-907-7186.
Join our Referral Network
We are looking for referral partners who are interested in supporting and caring for people with HIV with precarious immigration status. If you or your organization are interested in being part of our referral network, please call us at 437-235-7423.
Improve service for uninsured population
Or check out the Committee for Accessible AIDS Treatment (CAAT) for their latest HIV & Immigration Services Access Training. We offer training and support to providers who are interested to learn more about serving this population. If you are interested in learning more about upcoming training sessions please contact us at:
We respect and affirm the principles of the Ontario Accord, a statement of solidarity concerning the greater involvement of people living with HIV/AIDS. We encourage input and guidance from people living with HIV and from the communities most affected by HIV in all our work and services.